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STAY YOU//staywear clothing brand

I am beyond excited to announce that I am a brand ambassador for STAYwear clothing. STAYwear is a brand completely and wholly devoted to inspiring people to stay who they are. This clothing brand began as a way to advocate for suicide awareness. 10% of its proceeds are donated to a local charity that focuses on suicide prevention.

I really wanted to be an ambassador for STAYwear because of the message they communicate to their customers. It is a message that inspires them to believe in themselves, to have confidence in themselves, to be their best selves. It is a store meant to show people that they can stay real and stay unique. It conveys the idea that a recurring and terrible issue such as suicide can be prevented with the helping hand of a group that cares. I am proud to be a member of this amazing STAY family.

They feature tons of items that communicate the same message. A t-shirt that says STAY KIND and a windbreaker that says LIVE DIFFERENT: all meant to encourage customers to remain who they are because the real you is the best you. I am a strong advocate for this because I believe people should be whoever they want to be. No one should ever feel judged because of who they are. By STAYing you and living different, you are choosing to be unique. You are choosing to stand out. You are choosing to not let the world overcome you.

I think this store does an amazing job of being both a great clothing brand and an inspiration to all. Make sure to check it out in the link below and join the cause for suicide prevention.

Love, Rach

oh yeah, I also dyed my hair :)

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