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North Carolina Chapel Hill//Spring Break 2017

Wow I have been MIA for awhile. As I approach the end of my Junior year of high school, I am receiving piles on piles of work and tests and projects and add in managing boys volleyball and trying to workout every day, my life gets pretty hectic. But the end of the school year also signifies the beginning of summer and the warmer months. It implies the multitude of acai bowls and summer vlogs and smoothies and sunglasses and just everything good vibes. So get ready for more posts as the weeks go by.

Over Spring Break I had the opportunity to visit University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. It turned out to be a really amazing three-day getaway. I flew down there with my mom and we were greeted with the pleasant surprise that there were in fact things to do in one of the best college towns in America. We soon discovered that Chapel Hill was a lovely town with cafes, ice cream shops, Thai restaurants, and an insane amount of joggers. I was immediately happy to see so many people working out because it reassured me that I will have running buddies when I go off to college next year, should I decide to go there. ( year..that just hit me).

Besides Chapel Hill and its cute pink crosswalks, my mom and I also went to Raleigh which is not too far from the college. The city of Raleigh was gorgeous. We went at the perfect time: golden hour. The weather in North Carolina made it hard for me not to enjoy both cities and the college. Plus, it helped that the college was very close to a mall with just about everything I need: Barnes & Noble, Starbucks, Paper Source.

One big factor in my college search is location. With location comes the weather. I really do not want to do my studies while freezing to death. When we went to North Carolina, it hit the eighties multiple times, which was absolutely beautiful to me. Thinking about going to a school where the mid April weather is regularly that hot was definitely one for the pros list.

UNC was a great school for other reasons as well. Their journalism program is what attracted me to it the most (besides the crazy amount of study abroad programs they offer). Pursuing journalism, specifically photojournalism, is a huge goal of mine and UNC did offer that opportunity.

I am excited to see where God takes my college search. Whether in California, New York, or North Carolina. Whether journalism, film studies, or nutrition. He has a plan for me (Jeremiah 29:11) and I look forward to see it unfold.

Love, Rach

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