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A Day Upstate 10.2.16//Fall Style Blog

Let's be honest. When we said we were going apple picking, we meant we were going for the pictures and the apples and pumpkins just happened to be there.

It's apple picking season which means it is time to bring out the flannels! I bought this flannel from L-Train Vintage in August and have been waiting to use it since. Obviously, in the spirit of fall fashion, this was the perfect time to throw it on. I buttoned it up, leaving the v-shape at the top and paired it with a choker and plain black leggings. But how could I not use boot socks? This pair is from American Eagle, which I have mentioned before is my favorite store. Then I used my black booties from Forever 21 which was perfect, because my brother's girlfriend Benya (shown above) also wore black booties. --- Side note: Benya is one of the few people who understand my love for pictures and we often have mini photoshoots everytime we go out. --- I accessorized my outfit with a fossil watch, and many rings. Since I was wearing my frames from Urban Outfitters, I threw my hair up into a half up half down style. Then I took a billion pictures!

I am going apple picking at least two more times before the season ends which means two more outfits I have to perfect!

Remember: Life isn't perfect but your outfit can be :)

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